Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Summary/Response Revisions (Optional)

Concerning your Fish Eyes Summary/Response Revisions, please review your paper rubric and summary/response to answer the following revision questions. Please answer specifically. (You could earn up to 1.00 point for these responses).

1. What did you do well regarding the process and writing of your summary/response?

2. What is an area that you could improve upon regarding your summary/response?

3. What writing strategy will you try to use when you write for any class?

4. When you write next, what steps will you take to turn in a more complete and polished final writing product?

5. What differences do you see between your Response Writing Revision from Googleclassroom last week and your Fish Eyes Summary/Response?


Anonymous said...

I did well regarding the fact that I understood what happened in the story and summarized the positive relationship between David Brenner and the members of his family well. I even included a citation with evidence.
I could definitely improve on finishing it and doing the response. I feel that doing only half of the test is unacceptable. Also, I could work on working faster and getting my work done and making the summary an actual summary of the story.
I will try to use the writing strategy of finishing tests. I could also use the new topic sentence structure you taught us to try and make my summary/response plan more argumentative.
The steps I will take to make sure I finish future summary/responses are to make sure that I do all the work and make enough time to finish both sides. I will also work on my topic sentences to make sure they are argumentative and get straight to the point.
The response writing revision is very well put together and the topic sentence describes what will be said within the paragraph. The Fish Eyes summary/response is just a summary and there is no response. Also, the Fish Eyes summary is not finished and does not describe what happens in the short story.

Anonymous said...

Another thing that I could improve on about the "Fish Eyes" response is leaving less detail in the summary/response and keeping it simple and to the point. When I make the next summary/response I will keep it simple and get to the point adding detail that is not contributing to the essay.

Anonymous said...

Concerning the writing of my response and summary, I did a few things well. For example, in the response, I feel that I set up a good claim about the text, and supported it with evidence. In the summary, I believe that I found the key points of the text and summarized them. Aside from these positive things about my writing, there were things that I could improve on. In both responses, I never used quotations from the text. Including these quotes would have advanced my writing. Throughout writing these pieces, I have realized that I can apply these templates to my writing in other classes, outside of school, and also my speaking. Next time that I submit a writing piece, I will make sure to include quotations from the text and reread the topic sentences to make sure that they make sense. Completing these steps will improve my final writing. When comparing my Fish Eyes responses to the Response Writing Revision I can see positive changes. The recent writing response was far more structured than the Fish Eyes writing responses. I was able to figure out how to create a proficient topic sentence now that I have had more practice.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the summary/response, I was able to understand the story Fish Eyes. In the response, I was able to answer the questions correctly and gave the reader evidence to back up my response. For the summary, I was able to give the reader a general idea of the story without wandering off the topic. However, I can improve on several things to improve my writing. My biggest issue throughout both assignments was having a stronger thesis statement/topic statement. Next time I complete a writing assignment, I will apply the new topic sentence formats (learned in class) to make a clearer and stronger statement. When comparing the Fish Eyes summary/response to the recent Response Writing Revision, I can definitely see growth in the two assignments. In the Response Writing Revision, I have a much stronger topic sentence that clearly introduces the claim. Overall, I will continue to apply the new skills that I have learned from these assignments.