Friday, February 28, 2020

Thinking About My "CTW" Paper?

After watching the essay video, wading through source material, and creating works cited material, what are you considering or reconsidering as most important to prove regarding your chosen topic? Complete this blog response in class today.


Anonymous said...

I think that everyone should consider not relying too much on your sources and information. Your background information should supplement your own opinion. Having a strong and informed opinion is how you persuade and get through to people who are willing to listen. Don't let too much information bore the reader.

Anonymous said...

I think it is most important for me to prove that the issues in the schooling system do greatly affect mental health, and how mental health is a terrible cycle when it comes to behavior. If school hurts someone’s mental health, then their mental health with most likely also hurt their performance in schooling. Most people nowadays are aware that mental health is an obvious issue in the newer generations, but very little is being done to help, so i want to prove that action is needed.

Anonymous said...

I have thought about how to create a nice paper but also be organized. Making my plan about what I don't say as well as writing my best ideas. Making sure that I back up with facts as well as good quotations.

Anonymous said...

I think that people should not completely on their sources and other people's work. This makes the essay dry and not fun to read. People should primarily their knowledge and thinking.

Anonymous said...

After watching the blog I think one of the most important things to prove is to have it very organized and to have both the for and against what you are writing about. I think the most important would be a plan that’s about what you are not going to say. The plan is to get all the good ideas and keep them. He says that the last body paragraph before the conclusion is the most important where you share your opinion and what you think is important about the topic.

Anonymous said...

Though I'm confident in my sources and quotes, this video has me questioning how exactly I'm going to use them. How will I structure it? How will I be convincing? How will I back up my point?

Anonymous said...

In the video, the man explains the 5 points to make a paragraph and we are doing the same thing on our essay. I need to plan what im not going to say so I can save the good stuff for the 4th paragraph that is vital so having a good essay. The crunch or paragraph 4 is where all of the logical and goof facts come out, It should be your longest compared to the brief 1 and 2 paragraphs and should help you write the conclusion because it just plays off of paragraph 4. He said how you need to develop ideas even while writing so you can have a good essay.

Anonymous said...

I am going to reconsider using ideas I have come up with instead of using all source material. I also need to see the other opinion more in another person's shoes so I can understand why they are arguing what they are. The quotation will also make my essay much stronger because quotes from respectable people will give your essay more validity. These items I believe will make my essay much better.

Anonymous said...

After watching the essay video, I considered how an essay includes not only my own ideas but other's ideas cited. Another idea I grasped from the video was how to save your ideas for the correct place within the essay. Placing each thought in the correct place helps the energy of the essay speak for itself in a 'flowy' manner. Overall, this video helped me understand how I can share my own ideas as well as other ideas cited within my papers, as well as placing ideas thoughtfully throughout my papers.

Anonymous said...

I think this video shows that it is good to list the facts in paragraph 2 and 3, but very important to focus on your 4th. List your own ideas and talk about your opinion on the previous ideas. I hope to prove that rap/hip-hop music isn't as bad as it is made out to be.

Anonymous said...

I think after viewing the video that one of the most important things for writing an essay is how you organize it. If you organize it correctly you can engage the reader into your paragraph while supporting your side of your argument and while also explaining the other side of the argument.

Anonymous said...

I think that people should follow the video but also use their own mind and their own ideas.Also using your own skill might help you better than trying to use fancy writing and you should make the essay as simple as you can so you dont get stressed on doing work

Anonymous said...

I am considering using the first two paragraphs to talk about the subject, but not only sharing your own ideas. Using both reasons for and against what you're talking about. Using paragraph 4 for backing up the facts using quotes, and logical response to 2 and 3. 4 is the whole argument after you've presented all the reasons. The conclusion needs to flow to bring the whole discussion to the end. Using Calm language and acknowledging the wrong point of view. Choose the right quotations and form the use of the quotation properly.

Anonymous said...

I have considered the importance of a counter perspective. I have also considered giving reasons and then arguing later on. Additionally having reasons and then continuing on to give quotes would be an effective method of organization. Throughout my research, I have discovered how opposing articles can add depth to my argument. I have to be sure that I explain quotes to give them importance.

Anonymous said...

After watching this video I think that what's really important is having balance in your argument. Like having a paragraph for the topic and one which considers the other side of the argument. And the last paragraph is supporting reasons why the against point of view of your argument is wrong and why it shouldn't be considered. I think the most important to prove regarding my topic is the legal standpoint of it all, and how the actions by others are somewhat illegal, in some cases. And I have to bring up points for the other side which is very important.

Anonymous said...

In my essay I will prove that nuclear weapons are dangerous weapons, well yes people already know this but I want to write about just how dangerous these weapons can be. I will use the strategies the guy went through in the video just to change people's minds. In the video, I thought it was interesting how some of the paragraphs are going to be a lot longer or a lot shorter than the other paragraphs. In my essay, I will try and have a lot of quotations because I believe quotations help the reader understand the writing piece.

Anonymous said...

I will use the arguments in the crunch and the crunch should be the biggest paragraph.
three sentences, establish, use, explain. Quotations are the most powerful thing and I'm going to use them.

Anonymous said...

I am at a decent point in my work, but after seeing that video I am changing a couple of things

1 Presenting
2 Points
3 Counter Argument
4 Best point
5 Conclusion

Apply it to your situation

Anonymous said...

After watching the video, I understand that too much information can bore the reader. Don't write every single thought that comes to your head but the few best ones that come to your mind.

Anonymous said...

I think my essay is going pretty well so far I should adjust the length of what I'm writing and make it more straight to the point. I should also improve how my quotations are put and the 3 sentences, such as the explanation and not using super long quotes to lengthen my writing.

Anonymous said...

The most important things to consider would be the format, structure and both arguments for and against your topic. I'm starting to reconsider that I need more opposing things and to really explain more about my topic and the different issues I will be bringing up. Having a strong opinion and viewpoint of my own will most likely be something that will help in the essay writing process.