Thursday, March 22, 2007

"Anthem" Question

Compare the idea of equality as used in the Declaration of Independence to the idea of equality as practiced in Anthem.


MaggieL said...

In the Declaration of Independence iT views equality as equal treatment of American citizens, suggesting that everyone will have equal oppertunity to make what they want out of their lives. No where does it say anything about having to sacrifice your rights for the rights of others. The declaration is basically saying that from the time you are born you are not to be judged any differently then anyone else, what really matters is how you prove yourself to the world and to others by what you accomplished in life. In the book Anthem the people have to give up everything in order to use their equality for the right reasons. Their entire life is based around their brothers and the council, making no time for themselves. They aren't allowed to view themselves superior to others. The people in that society didn't even know that the word "I" even existed, nor did they know that people in the past would often refer to each other with specific names recognizing their differences.

Unknown said...

The idea of equality in the Declaration of Independence and the idea of equality practiced in "Anthem" are two very different things. First of all, in the Declaration of Independence document, when it talks about equality, it explains that all men are equal and that everyone has the same rights; man or woman, black, or white. However, in "Anthem," the idea, equality, is depicted very differently. It is used to say that all men are equal except for the Council who rules over all. Men have no individuality and are not at all able to speak their minds. This is definitley not the same equality that the Declaration of Independence talks about.

Unknown said...

I also agree with what Maggie said about this. The Declaration of Independence does not say anything about sacrificing your rights for the rights of others as displayed in "Anthem." I also like the comment about how you should not be juged because we have equal rights.

Samantha H. said...

Contrary to what Kasey said, and this is not to say she is wrong, I think that the idea of equality used in both the Declaration of Independence and Anthem are generally the same, the only difference is, in Anthem the idea of equality is taken to an extreme. Both ideas state that everyone should be treated equally, but the Declaration of Independence allows people to keep their freedom, whereas in Anthem freedom and individuality is forbidden by law.

Samantha H

emilys said...

The equality in the Declaration of Independence, and the equality in "Anthem" are very different. In the book, everyone is equal, in that no matter what you do you will always stay the same. In the Declaration of Independence, it states everyone is given equal rights. Whether you are man or woman, white or black, you deserve the same rights in life as everyone else. However, how you choose to use those rights is up to you. You can work hard toward a goal, or you can simply do what is required of you and nothing more. In "Anthem", no matter how hard you work, you will never be better than anyone else. People think equality means no one is higher or lower in society, but real equality should mean you are not judged by your race, appearence, etc. but by your morals, work ethic, and character.-Emily S.

emilys said...

I completely agree with Kasey's comment about how in the society, all men are supposed to be equal, EXCEPT for the council. Why do they get exempt from the equality...what gives them the right to be superior to everyone else?-Emily S.

Katie M said...

In the book Anthem, Equality has no rights. This is like a someone of lower class before the Declaration of Inpendce was writen. Although Anthem is just the opposite of the Declaration of Independence. Equality has no rights at all. And with the Declaration of Indepence it gives rights.

Katie M.

Katie M said...

After reading what people said in this blog, I have now decided that Anthem has alot to do with the Declaration of Indepence. Equality was stating his freedom from his government. Which is what the Delaration of Independence did. America was demanding independancy from Britian.

Katie M

Ben"Rubber Band Man" Knopf said...

I think that equallity is just like the writers of the declaration of indipendence. They both were under a rule from someone and they didn't like it so they did something about it. The American people wrote to the king and declaird freedom. Equallity stood up to the council with his light. The council and the king are almost interchangeable. The king had heavy taxes imposed on people and took away there money and the council took away there freedom. The Declaration of Independence and Equallity have a lot of the same ideas.
Ben k

Ben"Rubber Band Man" Knopf said...

I agree with kasey and the way she said that the Declaration of Independence said that all men are equal and the council abuses that statement thinking that they were above all.
Ben K :)

cperez said...

I can see it from both points of view. I think that the Declaration of Independence is like the theme in "Anthem". Like Samantha said, "all men are created equal", means that all men are created equal, no matter how you look at it. However,it is not just the Declaration of Independence that is the foundation of this country. The Declaration of Indepences clearly states that all men are created equal, but the other ideas contained in the Constitution, Bill of Rights and so on also set standards and put the equality of men in perspective. It points out equality but they also give us freedom. Huge amounts of freedom.

cperez said...

I greatly agree with Maggie when she said, "The declaration is basically saying that from the time you are born you are not to be judged any diffrently than anyone else. What really matters is how you prove yourself to the world and to others by what you accomplish in life." That is a great way to translate the thoughts of our founding fathers as they wrote the Declaration of Independence. Equality is good if it filters out judgement, but giving up individuality is not worth it.

KenneyLynn Mauve said...

I agree with Maggie. In the Declaration, it states everyone should be equal. You should have rights when your equal. Being equal and the same, are two very different things. In Anthem, everyone is the same. There is also no individuality, but instead, collectivism. Equality includes being unique.

KenneyLynn Mauve said...

The book Anthem and the Declaration of Independence are different in some ways. Anthem tried to follow what the declaration states; however, it didn't work. The names in Anthem of the two main characters are two very important words in the Declaration of Independence, Equality and Liberty. These two words in the declaration symbolize two important things Ayn Rand didn't see.

Anonymous said...

The idea of equality in the Declaration of Independence and in the book Anthem are two very different things. The Declaration of Independence expresses equality as all men being equal. In the book Anthem the people are not treated equal at all. The people in the society in Anthem have no superior and are naive to the rest of the world. The men who live there live under the world council and have a very strict life. The idea that the Declaration of Independence is almost completely different because it states that men should be treated equal and that everyone has the same rights. The men who live under the Declaration have a less strict life and are more free to do what they please.


Anonymous said...

I agree with Maggie because the life of the men in Anthem have no time for themselves. Equality or Prometheus never even looked at himself in a mirror. THe people in the society did not even know the word "I". I also agree with Kasey because the declaration does state that everyone has the same rights whether you are man, woman, black, or white.

Bree Y.

Cjohnson2 said...
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Cjohnson2 said...

i don't think the declaration of indepedence is talking about total equality like extremeism but it goes to a point.

tims said...

Like Maggie said, the Declaration of Independence states that all men and women are equal. In the novel, "Anthem", I believe that the citizens are treated as equals only among their specific work field such as Equality in his street-cleaners field. However, in the grand scheme of things, the citizens are not treated equally in the way that ideas are accepted or declined. If all ideas that were accepted were only from groups, then we would definitely not be the same society that we are today. An idea's value should not be placed on the amount of people who agree upon it, but rather on its depth and importance. Also contrary to the Declaration of Independence, only the ideas of "scholars" are accepted in Equality's society. Just because it is not your specific job doesn't mean that you can't make a positive contribution to another field of work.

mWinfrey said...

Equality in the declaration is that all men are created equal but, in anthem there is no equality because you do not choose what you do. So, no one is equal when they are put into classes.

mWinfrey said...

Matt W.

Patrick Kramer said...

The Declaration of Independence refers to equality as more of a standard, not a religion, or mind set of an entire metropolis. The Declaration, in a nutshell, basically states that all citizens have the same rights and freedoms that anyone else is entitled to but is still allowed free thought and personal freedom. While in Anthem, equality is shown more as a law. Equality is shown as both a character and a world of hurt for the society that is held down and restricted by this.


Sierra said...

The declarition of independence states that everyone is free and equal. In the book Anthem, the society that Equality lives in states these basic principals, however they were taken to an extream. Equality see this and trys to change it, however it is rejected. The society has taken the idea so far that it will not allow anyone to be different, just equal. So in the end the idea of the declarition of independence and the idea ot the society are two very different things. The society is more communistic and unforfilling than our declarition is.

SamP said...

The Declaration of Independence is about equality for everyone to have the same rights as all of the other citizens. In Anthem it was about equality and collectivsm but the council still ruled. All of the people were considered equal but they didn't have all of the rights that the Declaration of Independence has.