Wednesday, April 4, 2007

"Romeo and Juliet"

What is essential to share regarding your completion of the Perfect Mate handout?


emilys said...

When I was doing the "Perfect Mate" handout, I was really surprised by how similar my characteristics, etc. were to my parents. I knew we would have some of the same, but almost the entire thing matched. It was interesting to see who my parents thought would be a good match for me.-ES

tims said...

After comparing my parents and my characteristics, they were very similar, but that's kind of what i expected. It was a little bit akward talking about it with my parents, but i guessed it would be. Both my parents and i put down similar, basic qualities like nice, loving, etc., mostly like i expected they would. Anyway, the assignment was alright but just a little wierd.

DominicH said...

I thought the assignment was kind of embarrissing. I also thought it was wierd how our sheets almost matched exactly. The assignment was pretty fun.

sammisizzler said...

I really enjoyed this assignment! I never really had thought about what i considered a perfect mate and once i started wrighting, i kept on going and going. When i was finished i compared it to my mom's idea of a perfect mate and they were almost the exact same... except she had a lot fewer words then i did, but ment the same thing. I wasn't surprised at all, my mom and I are a lot a like.

Samantha H. said...

I guess, unlike the rest of the class, I cannot compare what my parent wants for me to what I want. When I talked about the assignment with my dad we both agreed on one thing. The assignment was, in our minds, pointless. My dad opted to not do the assignment because he doesn't plan on trying to find my "mate," and will support anyone I choose for that role in my life. As for me, as a fifteen year-old I do not want to even think about my "perfect mate." I still don't know what I want in life, especially with that special someone. Not only that, but I don't want to become closed-minded about the subject, and I know that if I think about it, I will only ever consider someone with those qualities. -SH

Patrick Kramer said...

When I compared my "Perfect Mate" handout to my parents', I noticed and was shocked by how similar they were. However, my parent’s characteristics were very vague and simple. Our basic qualities were close and consisted of mainly loving, caring, open-minded, and musically inclined. Over all, the assignment was good but a little vague and left room for improvement, considering that most students wouldn’t share much details of their personal life with their teacher. But it was a good concept.


Anonymous said...

When I was filling out the "Perfect Mate" handout, I was expecting my mother to say that she wanted me to get a guy that focuses on school alot. When she said the kind of guys I was interested in we were pretty similar which did surprise me a little bit. My mom was very curious to see what I had filled out on my student handout. She was not too surprised when she saw my handout.

Bree Y.

ablank said...

I thought the perfect mate handout was a good experience. I was also suprised at how different my parents responses were from my own. But it was a little bit wierd

Unknown said...

I thought the perfect mate handout was very interesting to do. I was surprised that my mom and I had very similar qualities that we wrote down. We both said things like outgoing, thoughtful, funny, edgy, and loves music. I also thought it was kind of fun to think about my future like that.

Sierra said...

After doing the perfect mate worksheat and compairing it to my parents i found that we had some things in commen. My parents had a lot more expections for my "perfect mate" than i did. I did not really like this assement, considering i am only 15 i do not think i need to think about the type of person i m going to marry. But the assement was intresting to see the similaritys between my parents and I.

SamP said...

When my parents did the "Perfect Mate" handout they explained my perfect mate kind of similar to what I explained. They didn't have as much detail as me but they were pretty close. It was kind of interesting to see what they had said because I never really asked them that or would ask them that if it wasn't an assignent. Except some of the traits they discribed were not me at all or wouldn't be what my perfect mate would be.

Jacob M said...

When doing this I found out that my parents and I have the same views in my perfect mate. It made sense to me because they have told me the kind of person I need before and I agreed with everything they said. When I finished mine a had to wait for them but when they finished, I realized that they went into more detail than I did. I had forgot what kinds of sports I would want them to be in and my parents reminded me when I read their idea. They put down swimmer and I totally slipped my mind when I was writing mine. This assignment deffinatly showed me that they do know what they are talking about unlike what I used to think.


Ben"Rubber Band Man" Knopf said...

I really enjoyed working

Ben"Rubber Band Man" Knopf said...

I enjoyed working on the perfect mate hand out and I liked seeing the connection between the hand out and the text. The differences between our answers were amazing and so different and i enjoyed it. BK

KenneyLynn Mauve said...

I was like a lot of my classmates in doing the "Perfect Mate" assignment. I didn't suprise me that much when my mom's ideas and mine were so alike. The only thing I didn't like, was my mom was too vague. I told my friend about it and she even went into more detail than I did. I really wasn't all that embarressed, because I wanted to know what my mom put. I really enjoyed doing this assignment.

Katie M said...

After I completed the "Perfect Mate" my parents were very interested to compare lists. They were similar. I kind of found the assignment boring, because I don't know one person that was differant that what their perent put, and because of that, it doesn't relate to "Romeo and Juliet". I found it really wierd, and though it was easy i did not enjoy it.

Katie M said...

After I completed the "Perfect Mate" my parents were very interested to compare lists. They were similar. I kind of found the assignment boring, because I don't know one person that was differant that what their perent put, and because of that, it doesn't relate to "Romeo and Juliet". I found it really wierd, and though it was easy i did not enjoy it.

cperez said...

I agree with some of your coments. It was interesting to realize how much my partents and I shared alot of the same features. But I was not surprised after I saw their awnswers. But i must agree with tim, it was kinda akward.

Dennis B said...

I liked working on the perfect mate handout because it was cool to see what kind of guy my parents want me to like. Most of the things they put were very specific, unlike mine which were very simple.

Cjohnson2 said...

I believe that the perfect m8te thing was pretty cool. You got to find out what ur parents wanted and u got to compare to what u thought. Surprisingly we were pretty close. I bet romeos and juliets parents wouldn't want um together lol....

Cjohnson2 said...

finally it woud let me blog ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

mWinfrey said...

it was interesting in the comparison between me and my paretnts because they matched well