Thursday, April 19, 2007

"Romeo, Pyramus, Thisbe, and Juliet"

What "Big Ideas" do the Pyramus and Thisbe myth and Romeo and Juliet drama proclaim regarding love? Syhthesize, react, and challenge.


emilys said...

I thought it was interesting how in both Romeo and Juliet and Pyramus and Thisbe, love could overcome anything. No matter what other people think or want, love will take over. However, in the end of both stories, the love just gets them into trouble. Sometimes you wonder "is it worth it?"

tims said...

Listening to the story of Pyramus and Thisbe, I was waiting to hear the differences between itself and Romeo and Juliet, and i found very few. In both stories, love is very powerful despite their parent's wishes, and love seems to be inpenitrable until the endings. In both endings, the characters love dies with them, even though they still love(d) eachother. All in all, it was interesting how similar the two stories were in the overall format.

Cjohnson2 said...

I also think that it is cool how their love surpassed all obstacles but...I believe the guys were dum to jump to conclusions and didnt wait like 10 min to find out what might have really happened, because they didn't wait they end up killing themselves and their loved ones. if it was me I probably wouldn't have killed myself

Cjohnson2 said...

The plots were the same i think

cperez said...

I agree with all of you. It was very drastic. They saw each other "dead" and two minuets later they were dead too. I would have not killed myself right away. I would wait ,at least an hour later, and see what else life would bring my way. Even if my lover had died, I would think they would not want me to take my life. They would want me to live and experiance more than that. I think their choice was too drastic and unrealistic.

ablank said...

I agree with christina also. Even if I saw the person that I lovwed dead I probably would not kill myself right then. I also thought that the two authors views on love were extremely cynical, because even though the two people found their true loves everthing still turns out bad

KenneyLynn Mauve said...

Pyramus and Thisbe was a tragic story, just like Romeo and Juliet. I also agree with Christina, but with Adam's answer I can't, the stories have about the same plot and are too alike for concidence. I think this short story was borrowed by Shakespear for minor changes and became the story of Romeo and Juliet. I think a lot of people will agree with me and my conclusions about these stories.

SamP said...

Like everyone else said the story about Pyramus and Thisbe was very similar to the story of Romeo and Juliet. They both ended in tragic deaths. Shakespear got his idea form the story of Pyramus and Thisbe so he did make it vry similar to Romeo and Juliet but there were still some differences.

Unknown said...

I thought it was interesting that both Romeo and Juliet and Pyramus and Thisbe were almost exactly alike. In both stories they kind of throw around love like its not really a big deal, yet they are serious enough to do anything for eachother, even die. I also agree with christina and adam in that i dont think i would have killed myself upon seeing the guy i loved dead, but i definatley would be very sad.

Anonymous said...

It was very interesting how similar Pyramus and Thisbe were to Romeo and Juliet. I think that Shakespeare might have copied the plot. In both of the stories love gets the both of them. It would be a very difficult decision to kill myself for a boy that I liked. There were very few differences between the stories.

sierra paller said...

Two children from rival families, neither knowing the fact that one-day soon they might fall in love. Meeting by shear fate they realize the power of true love and learn many powerful lessons about life. When listening to the tale of pyamus and thisbe i tryed to find differences between the tale of romeo and juliet and this story. I couldnt find many. It was intresting how shakesphere took this old tale and contuned it into his story of romeo and juliet.

Anonymous said...

It was interesting to me how close the stories were related to each other. Despite the fact that Romeo & Juliet was based on a short poem, i belive that it was also strongly influenced by this myth/tale. Each story showed the almost exact same plot, climax, and ending; just with different endings. To me, Pyramus and Thisbe may have been the original or have influenced Romeo & Juliet

Katie M said...

I agree with what everyone else has said. I think that Shakespear took the idea of "Romeo and Juliet" from the Pyramus and Thisbe. The outline of both are the same. The two characters in each have a gret love for each other, but their families dislike the other. And in the end the male believe that the female is dead and kill himself. Then the female sees her dead lover, and kills herself

Tessabyrns said...

After hearing the story of Pyramus and Thisbe, I saw distinct differences. I think Shakespeare's decision to leave out the parts with the lion were a good choice.

mWinfrey said...

they were the same but they were writen differently

JSelzer said...

Romeo and Juliet was almost like a different rendition of Pyramus and Thisbe. They both were lovers who were not aloud to love, and yet they found away to love one another. Both stories also end in tragedy, and both men killing themselves becuz they thought their women lover had been killed. The only differences were in Romeo and juliet it was a knife and poison who took the lives of the young lovers, but in Pyramus and Thisbe it was a lion and a sword. Both stories their fate could have been changed if each character waited just a little longer before jumping to a conclusion.